This driftwood items for sale page is where we display photos of the driftwood items we currently have for sale. You’d be buying the exact driftwood item that you see here. We try to update the description beneath each driftwood item to reflect that it is already sold, as soon as we can. The price beneath each photo of our driftwood items does NOT include handling & packaging, and courier (courier from East London in South Africa to other South African towns). We offer a 10% discount on product pricing (no discounts on handling & packaging and courier) if spending R300 to R499 at one time, and we offer a 20% discount if spending R500+ at one time.

R380 – but also see discount notes at the top of this page. Driftwood character Rocky the genie, with a rock sticking out the back of his head, and a rock sticking out the side of his chest or armpit area. As found on the beach. Lightly cleaned, varnished with a water based varnish, and made ready to hang. This driftwood item is 54cm tall.

R350 – but also see discount notes at the top of this page. Driftwood seahorse head, or what do you see? Lightly cleaned, varnished with a water based varnish, and made ready to hang. This driftwood item is 47cm tall.

R270 – but also see discount notes at the top of this page). Driftwood pirouetting ballerina meerkat, or what do you see? Lightly cleaned, varnished with a water based varnish, and made ready to hang. This driftwood item is 60cm tall.

R300 without air plants – but also see discount notes at the top of this page). Driftwood air plant holder. It has several natural holes or crevices for displaying your air plants. Or display something else; up to you. Lightly cleaned, varnished with a water based varnish, and made ready to hang. This driftwood item is 102cm tall.

R180 – but also see discount notes at the top of this page). Driftwood man holds baby up to his face, or what do you see? Lightly cleaned, varnished with a water based varnish, and made ready to hang. This driftwood item is 58cm tall.

R270 – but also see discount notes at the top of this page). A sloth or squirrel stands on top of the head of a swan or giraffe or ostrich, or what do you see? Lightly cleaned, varnished with a water based varnish, and made ready to hang. This driftwood item is 170cm tall. Just the top 100cm shows in the photo, the bottom 70cm is basically just an extension of the long “neck” of this driftwood creature.
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Terry and Tony Flanigan, owners of this site